Sunday, 18 November 2012


Extension Art Project

These are some pictures I have created in the style of Slinkachu ( see Slinkachu or follow link on the Heaton Art Blog March 2012 post)
He is a British artist who
takes photographs of small model people in big, real life places. My photographs were done
by painting small models to look like heaton people  and placing them around the school. I like the way Slinkachu
uses the people to portray real life and the way he uses humour in his pictures.

Liam Helleur

Liam has composed his photos so as to comment on some familiar school activities. We thought that they lent themselves to a caption competition.
The best submissions for a title for any of the images will receive a small prize. Please send entries to me before November 30th.
Mrs Taylor






Monday, 12 November 2012

Citius, Altius, Fortius

During art technology, we created clay bowls centered around images of 'sport in action'
that incorporated our Olympics theme.
I chose an image of myself competing in a cross country
event because of the excitement and passion this sport provides. We also selected a motto to accompany our image that inspires us. Mine reads as
 “The gull that flies the highest sees the furthest.” - John Bach from Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
Arlia Schurr year 8

Olympic Enquiry Topic.
Part of this topic involved looking at the images of athletes from the Ancient Olympic Games. Many of the sports we see depicted on Greek pottery are easy to recognize. The images provide us with much information about sport and the important role it played in the ancient world.
Students were asked to find images of themselves participating in an Olympic sport which they were involved in or were passionate about.  They used these images to decorate their terracotta bowls using traditional techniques.
I am sure any Olympic athlete, ancient or modern, would recognize the commitment and energy Arlia has shown in her ceramic piece.
Fiona Taylor