
Art Workshop
Saturday 28th February 10:30am -3pm
Whole House Reuse Project work
Printmaking and ‘Furniture’ making
Heaton is taking part in the Whole House Reuse Project
The workshop is open to all those who applied for Art Extension  and Art Club students and parents.
We have to complete all our work by mid March.
Work will go on display in Canterbury Museum in the middle of the year.
Parents and caregivers are welcome, especially if you bring tools and snacks. Come and have a go too.
During the workshop the doors will be locked for security. If you arrive after the start time come round and knock on the window on the basketball court side.
Bring your own food and drink ( no peanuts please ). There will be a kettle available.
If you have any questions please email me
There is no phone in the art room so please use my mobile number to contact me on the day 0297744474
 Please return the form below as soon as possible so that I have some idea of numbers. If you are not sure at this stage you may turn up on the day but you must bring the form with you unless accompanied by your parent/caregiver.
I give permission for
Name________________________________  House______Room______
To attend the art workshop on 28th February
They will arrive at ____________and leave at_______________
I may be contacted on this number during the workshop __________
I will be collecting my child/my child will make their own way home.
I will/will not be coming to take part in the workshop with my child.

Parent,caregivers name ______________________________________

Parent/caregivers signature____________________________________

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