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I am back from my travels in the UK.
Those of you I have already taught will be familiar with the name Paul Klee ( "A drawing is simply a line going for a walk." & " Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see." ). The Tate Modern in London is currently showing an exhibition of his work entitled
' The Ey Exhibition : Paul Klee - Making Visible '
Click on the title of the exhibition above for a brilliant explanation of the exhibition.
Did you know that Paul Klee's work was banned by the Nazis, and that it was considered 'degenerate'?
Also at the Tate Modern was an impressive exhibition entitled
Poetry and Dreams
This show included an incredible array of major art works. Click on the title above to see some of the works.
As I left the Gallery , having spent much longer that I had meant, and agonised in the book shop, I walked out onto the South Bank of the Thames and felt uplifted by the changes. I was born in London and one would think that there was little room for development. However, there have been significant enhancements of the old and completely new buildings that seem to sit happily along side those from the past.
The South Bank used to be quite dull once darkness had fallen. Now it glitters with lights, trees, cafes and culture. Blackfriars Railway bridge, once depressing , dirty and dreary has been encased in glass and glistens with a bluish light as it stretches across the river , more like a modern sculpture than a functional railway bridge and station. Plans are being made for a 'green bridge' across the river, lined with trees. Towering architectural statements such as the 'Gherkin ' and the 'Shard' are now familiar London landmarks that enhance rather than detract from the old. All along the river tunnels walkways, once sometimes sinister, hold hidden surprises; quotes, artworks, poems, facts. Shakesperes Globe theatre, now recreated, is a living museum , a reminder of London life long ago but now part of contemporary London life.
I took my mother to see the road that had been her first home in Greenwich more than 88 years ago. Only 3 of the original Georgian house now remain, the rest having been bombed in the second world war, and been replaced by modern equivalents. London is scattered with scars of that destruction. Some of those bomb sites have been filled with poorly designed buildings and some with wonderful architectural structures. In each case there was an opportunity for development. I was reminded of Christchurch and hope that our planners and designers will be able to create exciting and uplifting new spaces and buildings. We need great architects and designers that will help us see the beauty of life as well as to serve the practical.
Great designers think outsdie the box. Whilst I was flying back from London I came across an Australian TV series called 'Redesign your Brain'. There are 3 episode, no 2 is entitled 'make me creative'. The presenter explores ways to become more creative. This can be quite a contentious area of study but is very interesting.
Where the spirit does not work with the hand there is no art. (Leonardo da Vinci) Ko te tokitope, ko te whao ngau, he tohu mauri Ko te tātaki kawai he whakaara wairua Ko te taumata atua, takaia ki te koroawai parirau E hikina ai i tōna taongatanga ki te matakite, ki te rangatiratanga (Ngā Toi i roto i te Marautanga o Aotearoa, 2000)
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